April 23, 2008

SFCYS Topic #4

Let's pretend for a minute we all live in the home of our dreams, have land, and don't have to work so time is unlimited! It's Spring planting season! What would you grow? A little veggie garden? A bed of bright spring blooms? Or is your thumb so far from green that the only thing you'd be planting is your tushy into a nice chair on the porch to get some knitting or crocheting done in the nice breeze?

I've already decided that when I get things going and get a place of my own with a backyard, I want to have a little bit of both. I want to get some flowers in there, but not too many because I freak whenever I see bees and wasps and things like that. @___@ But I'd love to grow my own veggies and such. That'll be the main thing I'll grow. And then sit on the porch and knit while I wait for everything to start growing. ;)

1 comment:

bittenbyknittin said...

Bees and wasps are the gardener's friends because the bees pollinate the vegetable blossoms and wasps prey on garden pests. I saw a wasp drag a cabbage worm right off a head of cabbage once, and when I find tomato horn worms, they are always parasitized by a particular wasp. It's all part of the balance of nature. Hope you get that garden someday!