April 15, 2008

SFCYS Topic of the Week # 3

Tell us how you started drinking coffee. Were you in high school or college and making it through all nighters? Did you get it from a family member? What drives your love of the bean?

My dad was the coffee nut of the family. He never left home without a cup. He would have a cup in his car when he came to pick me up from school when I was in the 2nd grade. My mom was a teacher at the school so he would often stick around and I would sometimes opt out to sit in the car. I always eyed his coffee because the weird substance fascinated me and I wondered why it was so addictive to old people. So I got really curious one day and decided to take a sip of the black brew. It was a little bitter but I liked it. And since then, I've been hooked. :)


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Anonymous said...

Hey there! Mmmmm Coffee ;)
~Your (secret) coffee loving, knitting, Happy spring swap partner