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Well...half of one anyways.
After many times of working on a project and frogging it due to unsuccessful results I realized I've barely managed to finish a single project in 2007. So I dug around for a really easy pattern. One that I could finish in 1-2 days. A stash buster pretty much. And I found this pattern and loved it. I could use some nice easy mitts. And it's my first mitt project. Yay!
Pattern : Hand Like A Hole by Vicki Howell
Yarn : Crystal Palace Yarns - Musique - Color: Dune
I wasn't sure how a thick-thin yarn would look in the pattern, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways. It actually goes quite nicely with the winter season, I think. The thick areas of yarn kind of remind me of snow clumps. Lol!
In other news, I'm enjoying another 4-day weekend. Enjoying it very much. I'm planning to come up with a "goals for 2008" list because resolutions never work out. And goals are a little more expandable if I don't completely reach them. Lol. Don't worry, I shall be realistic about these things.
Still waiting on my upstream partner getting their package. I'm eager to see if they'll like it or not. Jitters of the first swap, huh? Lol.
This will be my last post before 2008. So I wish everyone the best and I hope the year 2008 will be awesome!
Ok, so I haven't blogged in a while. So I should have some great news to share with everyone, right? Right?
Haha, quite the contrary. I wound up not finishing a single present in time for Christmas despite my efforts. Wait, I correct myself. I finished a very simple garter scarf. But it's sitting in my room right now. Gathering god knows what. Because I can't find the rest of Zu's present. The purse and scarf that could have easily been done in time still sit 90% completed. And that sweater that I was doing well on? Yes. Remember that? It's been completely frogged. Somehow the point protectors fell off my needles and about 50 stitches came off the needles. Easy enough to fix, right? Hahaha, let me tell you. In the process of trying to pick up said 50 stitches, I realized that a few of the stitches had slipped down a few rows. Again, easy enough to fix. Well, then upon looking at the sweater to make sure it still looked ok, I realized that there were two stitches on another area that I had apparently dropped at some point and that were residing all the way down to the ribbing. So, in the pure frustration that everyone loves, I made a drastic decision. And frogged it. All the way. So that not a single stitch remained on the needles that I longed to poke into my eye. And I picked up a project that frankly I should have finished about 2 months ago. The Harry Potter Ravenclaw scarf that my friend had requested. And since it's taken me so long, I'm going to make a little scarf for her 3-yr-old son, and a baby hat for her upcoming baby girl. All for free. Because I feel bad. :/ Sent out my swap package to my upstream partner over the weekend. Hopefully they get it soon. Nothing wrong with hoping, right?
Last weeks topic, we wanted to know what is your favorite activity during the "Wintery" months. Please post what would be the perfect vacation during the Winter Season? Would rather you head to the beach, to escape all the cold weather or want to pack your ski's and head to the mountains. You tell us what vacation you prefer during the Winter Season.
Vacation, huh? Haha. I actually really can't stand vacations. But I can say that one of my favorite things to do is to get the family together (cousins, aunts, uncles, everyone) and to make a trip to the mountains and just find some little secluded area where it's snowed that's away from the huge crowds and just have fun. We used to do that a lot when I was younger and I always loved it. The perfect way to get some quality family time going.
The sweater. I decided to start work on a sleeve so I can feel like I'm getting a little more accomplished with this project. That and I've been itching to deal with something other then the black, so hopefully the stripes will help out with that one. Haha. Yea right.
Progress on xmas gifts:
-Mom's Sweater (postponed til next year/mother's day/birthday)
-Dad's Sweater (same as above)
-Baseball Socks for mom (postponed until I learn to knit socks)
-Poncho for Kenna
-Bunny for Gmo
-Ball Gag for Nass
-Poncho for X
-Hat for Ducks (haven't even figured out how to do this one yet...)
-Scarves for Panda (1 adult, 1 child, 1 baby) + Arm warmers or hat to make up for the time it's taking me to get these done)
-Scarf for Fluff (haven't figured out a pattern)
-Sweater for Wolf's sister (about 40% completed)
-Scarf for Zu(COMPLETED!)
-Blanket for Wolf (Haha, haven't even started it or bought the yarn...)
-Fru's purse (50% done) and scarf (90% done)
-K's Condom Critter (90% done)
-le sigh- This isn't looking too positive. Time to bust some moves and cramp up some hands!
For many people, Winter is a time of cold weather and snow - and many fun outdoor activities that can only be enjoyed during those times! What's YOUR favorite activity in Winter, and is it even outdoors??
Really, there's nothing exciting about going outdoors in my town other then freezing your asses off. And it doesn't even snow. So really the favorite activity I would have to say is just curling up in some PJ pants and a baggy shirt and sipping cocoa or coffee while knitting or reading a book. And also watching moooovies. :] Perfect snuggling time! Yay! But that's it. I'm kind of dull in the wintertime. Poo. :[
So, following the WWCS topic of the weeks, they wanted us to go to someone new's site and leave a comment on their site and talk about what we found out about them. So I attacked Andey's blog and it couldn't have been at a better time since she just filled out a meme! ;) Just my luck. Lol.
So things that I learned about Andey:
She has children. She drinks her coffee with milk. She talks to someone named Ninnie which made me giggle since one of my friends and I call each other Ninny. Her hubby washes the dishes. She bought a yarn cutter from Etsy and ironically it's the same one that I've been eying for a bit. And she made herself a drop spindle and she should totally share the wealth. ;) Lol! Just kidding. Though I do think that I will subscribe to her blog. -ninja face-
Completely new post coming soon.
Updates and all.
Took the little cousin out to the lighting of Christmas Tree Lane.
Lots of pics to share of that. :)
Will be house sitting with Wolf Thursday through Sunday, so hopefully Saturday by the latest you should actually hear something from me. Big hopefully. Haha!
Sooooo.... I've achieved my civilian duties for my entire lifetime. I just sent someone to jail. HOLY FUCK!
So I was hanging out in Wolf's room rebelling and staying up late. When -SSCCCCCRRRREEEECH CRASH- happened. So, being the concerned person I am, I woke Wolf up and ran out to see what happened, if anyone was hurt, and if anyone was calling for help already. You know...just trying to be helpful. So I got out there, saw the person was getting in and out of the car ok even though it was totally trashed (the front right wheel was completely parallel with the ground while still attached to the car and the Durango it slammed into had a completely jacked up axel since they ran into the wheel so yea) and saw that there were some people across the street on the phone that had come out of the house across the street. So Wolf and I decided to meander back into the house. My parents heard our moving-abouts and woke up (why didn't the sound wake anyone up? the thought of this confuses and confounds me because I know I would have woken up at the sounds of the tires screeching) and so they were looking around. Well apparently while I was moving my things out of Wolf's room so she could sleep, my dad said some cop cars pulled up, stopped in front of our house and then quickly turned around. THE FUCKERS WALKED AWAY FROM THE DAMN SCENE! I have no clue what the hell they were thinking especially since they were walking. So my dad tells me and yells at me to get dressed in case the cops needed my help. So we walked 2 doors down to the neighbor's house who the Durango belonged to (strangely they never woke up either?!) and he asked if we were neighbors, if the Durango belonged to the people in that house, and if either of us had seen the accident. The problem of coarse with night accidents is that rarely ever do people actually see it. Rarely. Because most sane people are snuggled up in their warm beds sleeping the night away instead of standing outside in the freezing cold wishing that they had a match so they could set themselves on fire just to warm up a bit. So I explained I'd seen someone getting into the driver's side but that I hadn't actually seen the wreck. So he asked if I would be able to help identify clothing at least and I said I wasn't sure but I'd give it a shot. So he had me hop into the front seat of his cop car (FIRST AND LAST TIME, DAMN IT! NEVER AGAIN! Even though I knew I wasn't in shit, I started shaking like crazy. Suuucked.) and shone the spotlight on the guys as they were pulled out one by one. The first one I thought might have been him, and the cop asked if I was sure, but I said I wanted to see the other people as well just to make certain. So he had the other guy pulled out and -dingdingding- he was a winner. They'd given contrasting stories to mine (and apparently after they'd been explained that they had been viewed by a witness, changed their story to the same as mine without being told that it was contrasting, so I WAS RIGHT! YAY!). So I had to give my story to the cops and was repeatedly asked if the guy I ID'd was the guy getting in and out of the car and it was rephrased many times to try and make sure (this all just made me laugh and the fact that the main guy that I had to give my story and info to was pretty damn cute but shhhh you never heard that! Lol) and so I was thanked and blahblah and walked over to my parents and just stood there since they hadn't told me to leave (I didn't want to walk away and find out that they needed me again and have to get dressed again) and so I'm now completely frozen. Can't feel a thing. Kinda nice really.
But as the story goes, the car didn't belong to either of them. It was one of their mother's. They were both drunk, one was drunk to the point that he kept passing out in the cop car), the one that was super drunk was underage, and neither of them had a license. So wow. Crazy stuff, no?
So the next time that you see a car wreck or see one on your street (if it's on your street at least keep an eye out the window so you can help if need be) STAY AND MAKE SURE THAT THE DAMN PEOPLE STAY THERE UNTIL THE COPS SHOW UP. Holy hell. This was horrible. But I'm kinda honored that I helped. And the policemen and policewoman that were there were all super nice to me and kept thanking me for being out there so late and everything. So yay for the cops tonight!
As for knitting updates? There aren't any! I know, right? What the hell am I thinking?! But I'm in a bit of a knitting lull because I keep messing up every time I pick something up to work on. And I haven't had a lot of free time. Wah. Anyways, I'm going to see about actually getting some sleep now since it's almost 5am. Whoo. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!