December 6, 2007

WWCS + Update?

So, following the WWCS topic of the weeks, they wanted us to go to someone new's site and leave a comment on their site and talk about what we found out about them. So I attacked Andey's blog and it couldn't have been at a better time since she just filled out a meme! ;) Just my luck. Lol.

So things that I learned about Andey:
She has children. She drinks her coffee with milk. She talks to someone named Ninnie which made me giggle since one of my friends and I call each other Ninny. Her hubby washes the dishes. She bought a yarn cutter from Etsy and ironically it's the same one that I've been eying for a bit. And she made herself a drop spindle and she should totally share the wealth. ;) Lol! Just kidding. Though I do think that I will subscribe to her blog. -ninja face-

Completely new post coming soon.
Updates and all.
Took the little cousin out to the lighting of Christmas Tree Lane.
Lots of pics to share of that. :)
Will be house sitting with Wolf Thursday through Sunday, so hopefully Saturday by the latest you should actually hear something from me. Big hopefully. Haha!

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