December 10, 2007

Influencing + Cookie Grubbing + Sweater

Look! Look! I'm such a good influence. Wolf is trying to knit. :] She only got two rows done because her hands started aching, but I'm sooooo proud.

And see those little worms crawling all over the dog treats? And see all the eggs in the colored ones? You see them? Those nasty little white things? Yup. Mealworms. Yuck! So I had to throw them all out and so a saddened Misty had to go almost a whole week without treats. Poor thing. She was greatly depressed by this and went into extreme trick mode when I presented her with a rawhide chew today. Happy dog yet again.

I know I promised pictures of the Christmas lights and all that jazz, but there's too many of them and about 90% of them didn't come out right. So I'll be sifting through those and posting at least the two houses that I loved the most. But here's pictures of little M who was so ecstatic to see so much pretty that she was just a happy camper.

And she's a fellow cookie lover! She grubbed all of our cookies for us with insane fake crying every time we told her we were out. A least they were free. And at least the lights were enough of a distraction to make her forget about cookies. Until we started walking back home again. Haha! Yup, she's my little cousin.

And now for the sweater!

I've got 23 more rounds to knit until I have to just knit until it measures at 15 inches. So yay! I'm hoping that this will be as long as she wanted, but if not...I can probably just rip up the ribbing and knit down and then finish off with the ribbing when it's as long as she's asked. Now to figure out how to make the short sleeves for the pattern into long sleeves so I can figure out the striping. Whoo! Any suggestions anyone? ;]

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