October 30, 2007


That's how I feel right now.
But I've started working on the sweater for Wolf's sister. It's not really anything special, but hopefully it'll come out ok. I warned her it may wind up a little crappy since it's my guinea pig project. But hopefully it'll come out ok.
2 more hours until I'm back at work again. And honestly, I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm actually enjoying my job. I'm not surrounded by drama, I don't have to deal with horrible customers, and I don't have to clean up after other people because we're given certain areas to work in and that's all that we do. Yay! And it's almost $12/hour so that means more money for yarn! ;] That's horrible.
I'm still waiting on the yarn to come through the mail so hopefully those won't take too long to get here. I'm eager to start working on Christmas gifts.
I can't wait for the Winter Wonderland Coffee Swap to kick in. Seeing as how it's my first swap, I'm just eager to get going and have an excuse to buy some goodies for other people. I love to spoil others, so this should work out perfectly!
On another note, Robin's hosting a contest for her 2 year blogiversary. So you should check it out. :]

Anyways, I'm off for now to work on that sweater. The K2 P2 ribbing along the bottom is a killer. @___@ Hope everyone has a great day!

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